
黑翼青鶲 published 6 applications on Google Play, 56 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.25!

Surprise Pop-up by 黑翼青鶲Surprise Pop-up

Rated 0.00(0) — 黑翼青鶲

Want to surprise someone?Use the Surprise Pop-up to create a pop-up window that will "surprise someone"Set the time to pop-up, pictures, sound effects, then give your device to someone, the picture will automatically pop-up after the specified number...

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噤爆格 by 黑翼青鶲噤爆格

Rated 4.00(3) — 黑翼青鶲

一個輕鬆休閒的按格小遊戲。 A casual game by the grid.

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色彩記憶 by 黑翼青鶲色彩記憶

Rated 0.00(0) — 黑翼青鶲

一個考驗記憶力的小遊戲!記下出現的顏色及位置,然後重組出來。玩法簡單易明,是一個益智的小遊戲。 A test of the memory game!Make a note of the color and location, and then restructuring it.Play is simple and easy to understand, is a puzzle game.

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Text encryptor by 黑翼青鶲Text encryptor

Rated 3.00(1) — 黑翼青鶲

Say something secret with your friendsEncrypt your dialogueThis application software can encrypt the textEnter text and cipher key to get the ciphertextOr enter the ciphertext and cipher key to get the original text.

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文字加密器 by 黑翼青鶲文字加密器

Rated 2.50(4) — 黑翼青鶲

跟朋友說些秘密話語或是討論重要事情為對話加上一把鎖!!本程式可以為文字加密,輸入原文及密碼即可組成密文。或是輸入密文及密碼,把密文還原成原文。 Some say the secret words with friends...

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隨機數產生器 by 黑翼青鶲隨機數產生器

Rated 4.00(48) — 黑翼青鶲

還在為生活上一些小選擇煩惱嗎?還在用傳統方法抽簽嗎?方便、易用的隨機數產生器幫到你!可選擇範圍、產生數,還具有分組功能與不重複隨機數產生。是你日常生活好幫手! Choose life...

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