
다솜정보 published 1 application on Google Play, 4 people rated this app with an average rating of 5.00!

SmartMChart (스마트엠차트) by 다솜정보SmartMChart (스마트엠차트)

Rated 5.00(4) — 다솜정보

스마트엠차트SmartMChart다솜정보 고객이스마트폰에 설치하여 의사가 환자의 차트를 실시간으로 확인하실 수 있습니다.(주)다솜정보Dasom M. Smart ChartsSmartMChartDasom customer informationInstall smartphonesThe doctor can check the patient's chart in real time.(Note) Dasom informationDasom

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