Сурков Алексей

Сурков Алексей published 2 applications on Google Play, 6 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.88!

ManualDiet by Сурков АлексейManualDiet

Rated 3.00(2) — Сурков Алексей

The program "ManualDiet" has a number of options that you can use it at home as well as in institutions.Currently, there are several programs of competitors, but not all of them the main action, which is present in our program. This is an automatic balanc

ManualDiet Free by Сурков АлексейManualDiet Free

Rated 2.75(4) — Сурков Алексей

The program "ManualDiet" has a number of options that you can use it at home as well as in institutions.Currently, there are several programs of competitors, but not all of them the main action, which is present in our program. This is an automatic balanc

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