미림여자정보과학고 - Android Applications by 미림여자정보과학고
* Translated by Google translate.1 IntroductionBabies' toys, mobiles, smartphone T Store service. Customized mobile applications according to the user's preferences, a variety of themes and melodies can be selected, and smartphones available anytime...
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Free AppGoogle translate:Decorate the ball pretty mediocre hand application.Nail polish of various colors, patterns, ornamentsBasic hand model can be applied freely by the user.Hands adorned their utmost to keep the album in stores.Now plain was hand bling bling.
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Free AppGoogle translate:I make my own cake! 'Single'I make my own cake, 'single' customers directly from the store one-of-a-kind cakes into desired shapes can be produced in the actual name of the store. 'Single' app made in conjunction with the company...
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Free Game*Translated by using google translationMakeup, makeup to provide information for women who are interested in appearance to decorate Beauty & U!Development background Became interested in decorating looks, but the women do not know what to do what to...
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Free App* Translated by using google translation Really necessary for foreign tourists Korea Life Survival App! Development backgroundOften uncomfortable things or things you do not know when to travel by foreign tourists in Korea, things to keep guidebook descri
Free AppGoogle translate:Special day, a special giftPlease use this app if you want to give your own special gift.Qualitative doubled joy will be doubled.Development background To not have to do when you give a gift is always worried, want to create your own...
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Free AppGoogle translate:Busy professionals, there is insufficient time to develop pollen studied worn with students living pollen, but raise is not easy. Escape from the everyday tired, taking a short break for a moment you'd want to grow plants, so people...
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