如果教育科技(香港)有限公司 - Android Applications by 如果教育科技(香港)有限公司
guess a Pictographs Chinese Characters by 4 pictures of tips about the evolution of the Pictographs Chinese Characters.The game is a creative and easy-to-hand-on game. to kids,will cultivate their cognition to the forms of Chinese Characters and their...
Free Gameguess a Pictographs Chinese Characters by 4 pictures of tips about the evolution of the Pictographs Chinese Characters.The game is a creativeand easy-to-hand-on game. to kids,will cultivate their cognition to the forms of Chinese Characters and their...
$0.59guess a Pictographs Chinese Characters by 4 pictures of tips about the evolution of the Pictographs Chinese Characters.The game is a creativeand easy-to-hand-on game. to kids,will cultivate their cognition to the forms of Chinese Characters and their...
Free Game“就爱猜字”在汉字文化中发现炫酷乐趣,猜象形字、猜字谜、猜成语、猜诗词、猜字音、猜字形、猜字义……精心设计十几种玩法,各种猜,覆盖4000个汉语常用字。和“有才”一起进书院、考状元、斗同僚、抱得美人归吧!游戏特色:1.轻松刺激的闯关故事情节:穷书生如何追上白富美公主?2.11种玩法,玩法轻松有趣,从不同纬度诠释汉字。3.故事情景模式—情节乐翻天4.挑战汉字模式—闯关爽到爆5.语文成绩不好的同学可以多玩两把,期末会让你老爸老妈大吃一惊的。6.玩起来带劲,游戏内容是从容易到难度递增的,想要打通关可是很难的。玩
Free Gameguess a Pictographs Chinese Characters by 4 pictures of tips about the evolution of the Pictographs Chinese Characters.The game is a creative and easy-to-hand-on game. to kids,will cultivate their cognition to the forms of Chinese Characters and their...
$0.59guess a Pictographs Chinese Characters by 4 pictures of tips about the evolution of the Pictographs Chinese Characters.The game is a creativeand easy-to-hand-on game. to kids,will cultivate their cognition to the forms of Chinese Characters and their...
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