Destiner - Android Applications by Destiner
Jednoduchá aplikace pro výpočet Body Mass Indexu. Nevyžaduje žádná zvláštní oprávnění, neobsahuje reklamy.Vznikla jako součást závěrečné maturitní práce. Simple application to calculate Body Mass Index. It does not require any special...
Free AppIf your irresistible urge of tapping some chickens drives you crazy, KURE was made just for you.It is a very simple addictive game for your time to run faster.You will love the cute sophisticated design and animations.Just tap all the red chickens as...
Free GameApp made for all those indecisive snowflakes who balance between two or more MBTI types.No further explanations needed, the app is very easy to control. I hope your curiosity will give it a try.
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