Derek Turner

Derek Turner published 2 applications on Google Play, 209 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.06!

Pocket Prefix Plus by Derek TurnerPocket Prefix Plus

Rated 4.39(137) — Derek Turner

Offline lookup of detailed and accurate geographical information for amateur radio (ham) callsign prefixes including special event, club, contest and rarely used.Displays DXCC Country, Continent, CQ zone, ITU zone/region, DXCC most-wanted rank and UTC...

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WSPR World Watch v3 by Derek TurnerWSPR World Watch v3

Rated 3.74(72) — Derek Turner

This app answers the two basic questions facing radio amateurs:- Which band shall I use right now? Where shall I point my beam right now ?It will also interest anyone who wants to study radio propagation and the ionosphere.This app plots radio transmissio

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