Delta Soft - Android Applications by Delta Soft
DS Talking Phone speaks on phone events:- when phone rings: speak the caller id (or number) of incoming calls based on your phone's stored contacts.- when you receive a short message: speak the sender id based on your phone's stored contacts.- when you...
Free AppPrima aplicație de psihoterapie asistată de către psihologi. Are ședințe specializate pentru: atac de panica, depresie, anxietate, tulburare obsesiv compulsivă, timiditate, agorafobie și dezvoltare personală. Primele 3 ședințe - lecții sunt...
Free AppDS Talking Phone PRO speaks on phone events:- when phone rings: the caller id (or number) of incoming calls based on your phone's stored contacts.- when you receive a short message: the sender id based on your phone's stored contacts, and the message...