
davidjburgos published 2 applications on Google Play, 106 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.52!

Numbers, the logic game by davidjburgosNumbers, the logic game

Rated 3.89(99) — davidjburgos

Numbers is a fun logic game where you have to decrease all values until zero clicking on buttons... Numbers have more than 300 levels of increasing difficulty, which will require concentration, intelligence and many headaches..Are you ready to accept...

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Triviadictos by davidjburgosTriviadictos

Rated 3.14(7) — davidjburgos

Triviadictos, donde las preguntas las haces tú. Triviadictos es un juego con más de 1500 preguntas, donde deberás buscar entre tus contactos al amigo adecuado para acertar o fallar una pregunta.¿Suena divertido verdad?El juego contiene dos modalidades:↗..

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