Dao Quang Thai

Dao Quang Thai published 3 applications on Google Play, 0 people rated these apps with an average rating of 0.00!

DragonFly Bubble by Dao Quang ThaiDragonFly Bubble

Rated 0.00(0) — Dao Quang Thai

- The player controls a dragonfly flying with fours buttons.- Dragonfly to catch the bubbles with color but must avoid the black bubbles.- The dragonfly catch all colored bubbles you will win.- you must pay attention allotted time.- Bubble will move...

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Runchaos by Dao Quang ThaiRunchaos

Rated 0.00(0) — Dao Quang Thai

Game => Player -> controll -> car -> run -> overcome -> obstacle ......... -> destination by lean device Lean Device : - Left => car -> run -> left - Right => car -> run -> right - Down(front) => car -> run -> slow - Up => car -> run -> fast

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jumpMan(Game) by Dao Quang ThaijumpMan(Game)

Rated 0.00(0) — Dao Quang Thai

Game -> player -> controll man -> stand - > jump -> fall->.........-> destination by touch(or keep touch)

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