D-H-S - Android Applications by D-H-S
Die App enthält ca. 300 Fotos von Appenzeller-Hunden undInfos über Appenzeller-Hunde.de. The app contains about 300 photos of Appenzell dogs andLearn more about Appenzell Hunde.de.
Free AppArduino Smart Home Control for arduino with ethernet shield or compatible boards.More Information and suitable arduino sourcecodes for download:http://www.d-h-s.de/arduinohome/enfacebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Arduino-Home/838588212861816- up...
$3.49Arduino Users: I recommend the new app "Arduino Home 2".For Arduino With Ethernet Shield And AVR NET IO- arduino uno sketch: http://www.d-h-software.de/homecontrol.zip- mega 2560 sketch: http://www.d-h-software.de/haussteuerung_mega2560.zip- english...