Cyberlander - Android Applications by Cyberlander
The CP-Calculator computes for every Pokemonthe average CP after evolution.The Cool-Or-Candy-Tool tells you if you shouldkeep a Pokemon or change it for candy. Thatdepends on the attack of the specific Pokemon.More tools are coming!Unofficial Product...
Free AppIn this app you have to make hard decisions and then you can see whichdecisions the other app users made. You will learn how much percent ofthem came to the same decision. Do you think like the most people or is yourchoice special?The dilemmas in this...
Free AppQuick and easy password resetting!Reset passwords for over 50 sites!First of all enter your email adress.This app can reset your password for some sites automatically!For some sites this apps fills in the formulars!You can save a lot of time and use...
Free AppEs funktioniert wie folgt:Zuerst gibst du einmalig deine Email-Adresse an, an die der Link fürdas neue Passwort geschickt werden soll.Dann wählst du nur noch eine Seite aus der Liste aus und klickstsie an. In vielen Fällen funktioniert alles automatisch..
Free AppHumans are searching things for their whole life.Why not searching the needle in the haystack?It makes fun, a symbol for your quest.
Free GameSpeakKing works with text-to-speech (TTS). It speaks out everything you type. Save your best texts in a list or as mp3 and send them to your friends via WhatsApp,Skype,SMS,Bluetooth,Mail etc. The receiver of the message does not need to have SpeakKing...
Free AppMany people have already found out that Sunzis wisdoms help in everday life.Test your tactical skills in this quiz!Do you have what it takes to be successful ruler?
Free GameThe CP-Calculator computes for every Pokemonthe average CP after evolution.The Cool-Or-Candy-Tool tells you if you shouldkeep a Pokemon or change it for candy. Thatdepends on the attack of the specific Pokemon.More tools are coming!Unofficial Product...
$1.19Die Kunst des Krieges von Sunzi ist ein jahrtausendealtes Buch über dieKriegsführung, dem noch heute große Beachtung geschenkt wird, dasich Sunzis Techniken und Methoden auch auf gegenwärtige Themenanwenden lassen.Besonders Manager und Führungspersonen...
Free GameThis app supports over 120 websites!First of all enter your email-Address and then the Resetterwill fill in the formulars of the websites.Some sites allow it to make a password reset automatically!All you have to do is do click on the name on the list...
$0.71Alle paar Jahre regnet es Mondsteine auf die Erde. Kinder, die dann geboren werden,verfügen über magische Fähigkeiten und die Ernten fallen besser aus.Doch das ist nur die eine Seite der Medaille. Mit den Mondsteinen kommenauch Monster auf die Welt...
Free GameWir danken "Urad vlade za Slovence v zamjestvu in po svetu" RS für die anfängliche Unterstützung der Entwicklung dieser App.Die App ist in einer frühen Phase der Entwicklung und wirdkontinuierlich weiter entwickelt.(App still under construction)...
Free AppSpeakKing works with text-to-speech (TTS). It speaks out everything you type. Save your best texts in a list or as mp3 and send them to your friends via WhatsApp,Skype,SMS,Bluetooth,Mail etc. The receiver of the message does not need to have SpeakKing...