cxcxcxcx - Android Applications by cxcxcxcx
Make your Smart Watch a bike computer using GPS. Provides a clean watch face presenting the speed, moving direction, odometer, altitude can be shown on tap. Just like a bike computer.Feel free to suggest more features.Known problem: * The SONY API sometim
Free App同样的场景,同样的诗词,同样的问候,您可曾好奇来自五湖四海的朋友用家乡话怎么说? “乡音”提供一个方言交流平台,不论是粤语、上海话、闽南话等与普通话差别较大的方言,还是东北话、四川话等各有特色的北方方言,都可以并列展示在您眼前。...
Free AppHave you wondered where the sun will be?With the position of the sun, you can * Photography: find the best time taking your photograph. * Travelling: avoid the strong sunlight. * Curiosity: learn the sun's trajectory in the sky. * Learning: For different.
Free App读书时注释和古文不好对应?“读典籍”阅读器充分利用手机/平板方便的交互方式,让阅读典籍变得更简单!受排版限制并未包括所有史记和汉书篇章(如表等),但包括了绝大多数文本篇章。如果您有改进意见,欢迎与作者联系。特别欢迎以下话题: * 添加史记、汉书以外的其它书籍的建议 * 澄清当代注释的版权 * 帮助校对文本或更准确的文本来源更多书籍请访问
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