Cristian Guedes

Cristian Guedes published 3 applications on Google Play, 62 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.68!

Calculate BMI by Cristian GuedesCalculate BMI

Rated 4.67(6) — Cristian Guedes

A very simple application to calculate your BMI (body mass index). Suitable only for adults (men and women). It has no BMI table for children.

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Personal Finances App by Cristian GuedesPersonal Finances App

Rated 4.36(55) — Cristian Guedes

This personal finance app was designed to be simple and practical. Therefore, all the screens are designed with minimal options, so that data entry is straightforward and does not demand user time.We know that one needs a lot of discipline to keep track..

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Controle de Horas Extras by Cristian GuedesControle de Horas Extras

Rated 5.00(1) — Cristian Guedes

Aplicativo muito prático que permite que você controle a quantidade de horas trabalhadas em vários projetos simultaneamente. Os dados podem ser exportados para excel. Very practical application that lets you control the amount of hours worked on multiple.
