Cool Desenv

Cool Desenv published 4 applications on Google Play, 14 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.82!

Chopp counter PRO by Cool DesenvChopp counter PRO

Rated 5.00(1) — Cool Desenv

The app makes that you have total control of how many chopps, beers ou any other drinks you have, avoiding the annoying problemas when to pay the account at a bar or restaurant.Besides, it will play a sound every time you add on more drink and it will...

FIES by Cool DesenvFIES

Rated 4.29(7) — Cool Desenv

Esse aplicativo provê as funcionalidades de visualização das informações relativas ao programa FIES, o programa de financiamento estudantil do governo brasileiro.São informações relativas a o que é, como funciona, a quem se destina, as condições...

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Chopps counter by Cool DesenvChopps counter

Rated 5.00(2) — Cool Desenv

The app makes it possible for you to have total control of how many chopps, beers or any other drinks you have, avoiding commonly known problems when it's time to pay the account at a bar or restaurant.

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June parties by Cool DesenvJune parties

Rated 5.00(4) — Cool Desenv

This app brings to you the schedules of the june parties in several northeastern cities of Brazil.

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