ConstantSUM Games

ConstantSUM Games published 3 applications on Google Play, 149 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.74!

Daily Bible Verse by ConstantSUM GamesDaily Bible Verse

Rated 4.25(32) — ConstantSUM Games

Spiritually uplifting NIV Bible verses provide daily guidance. Perfect for today's troubled times. Let the Lord's light and love shine down upon you for wisdom and inspiration. There are over 500 NIV verses which are backed with beautiful illustrations...

Nuke It! by ConstantSUM GamesNuke It!

Rated 2.95(22) — ConstantSUM Games

Calculate the maximum overpressure / distance on the world’s first mobile nuclear blast mapper. For mere pennies, you now have the ability to visualize the terrible power of nuclear bombs from any position on the globe. Is $.99 too much for such awesome..

Knight Moves by ConstantSUM GamesKnight Moves

Rated 4.01(95) — ConstantSUM Games

Knight Moves is based on a mathematical problem involving a knight on a chessboard. The knight is placed anywhere on an empty board and, moving according to the classical rules of chess, must visit each square exactly once. Don't let the simplicity of...

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