CHUR published 4 applications on Google Play, 1,334 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.00!

BadoongStopper by CHURBadoongStopper

Rated 0.00(0) — CHUR

I wrote this app for my own personal use, but it might be useful to others so here it is. It works on a Huawei P9; your mileage may vary with other devices. When your phone connects to a charger, this app puts the phone in silent mode, waits a second...

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Nodescope by CHURNodescope

Rated 3.50(1,309) — CHUR

See what's using up all your storage space!Nodescope shows a tree of boces representing your USB storage's folder structure, where each box's color and size represents the disk usage of that file or directory. The contents of each folder are shown underne

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CLVKWVRK watch face by CHURCLVKWVRK watch face

Rated 4.50(2) — CHUR

Just a boring basic digital Android Wear watch face, with some things I wanted.It has the time that all the crappy stock faces show, plus:- AM/PM!- Seconds! (but not in ambient mode because the screen can't update that frequently)- Day of the week!-...

Free Theme
Poultry Temperature Manager by CHURPoultry Temperature Manager

Rated 4.00(23) — CHUR

Forget global warming; the world in Poultry Temperature Manager is undergoing an ice age! Desperate to save all of the chickens, players must lead an army of chickens to huddle together or stray away from each other to avoid freezing to death or catching.

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