Christopher Broadwater - Android Applications by Christopher Broadwater
This app makes finding students guided reading levels easy. This calculation app will work with any book, from any publisher. If your goal is to find a book at the instructional reading level for a child this is the quickest way to do it. As your child...
Free AppIs your Kindergartner making progress as quickly as he or she should? Use this app to find out. Aligned to the Common Core standards: K ELA-Literacy RF.K.1.d. and K ELA Literacy RF.K.3.a This time saving alphabet testing app is a snap to use. Parents...
$0.72Sight Word Football 101 is a free game with simple graphics to enhance the learning component of the game. This game is based on the first 101 Dolch sight word list. These words are taught in Kindergarten and early first grade. Each quarter is approximate
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