Chiitake Soft - Android Applications by Chiitake Soft
"App Share QR" is displayed QR code make from your selected application.QR code contains link to the market.When the application is given to the friend, it is convenient. New feature: send share URL & copy to clipboard.
Free App"RamenTimer Lite" is a simple convenient timer to making the Cup noodle.It is possible to do by four minutes of three minutes according to 3/5 kinds, and the alarm sound is also revokable from options menu at time.* OS 1.6 tested only.
Free AppDescription: SendMyMail is launched a mail app to send to yourself.Usage: Select [share] by other app menu, please select [#Send mail to me] of this app from share app list. It will be launched a mail app with automatically setting my email address...
Free AppUp Tools" "Text Zoom Up Tools" zoom the input text.It is convenient to check the "Kanji".(Japanese, Chinese etc.)Note: when you want to input the Chinese character,Please change the language setting of system into Japanese and Chinese, etc. ex.[Settings]-
Free Appこれは現時刻の月齢(月の満ち欠け)を表示する SONY SmartWatch用のアプリです。いちいちスマホを取り出す必要がなく、現在の月齢を確認ができるので便利です。誤差もありますので、参考程度にご利用ください。<>月齢計算は、福原直人さんのJavaScriptのソースを参考にさせていただきました。この場を借りてお礼申し上げます。LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch
Free App"RotateLock Widget" is a widget that easy setting on / off to the System Menu.You can change "rotate setting" from Status Bar.[Sound & display] -> [Display setting] -> [Orientation].#This app is to displayed Ad with location and internet.update v0.6.2#...
Free AppThis app is the best music player to sleep. The sound is gradually reduced, it reproduces, and it muffles it at the end. The tune of the favorite like the relaxed music etc. will be registered, and we help your sound sleep. Icon Thanks.Milos Mirkovic...
Free AppThis app is to copy the text to clipboard with voice recognition.Run from Status Bar.Share send to apps.[need application]Google Voice Search [音声検索]OS 1.6, 2.1, 2.2 tested ok.
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