CCApp published 18 applications on Google Play, 2,274 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.78!

Feng Shui Compass by CCAppFeng Shui Compass

Rated 2.40(5) — CCApp

Feng Shui is very popular in the Chinese community, whether businessman or building owners hope to apply Feng Shui theory in designing their office or home as well as to determine the location of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or bed. Although there...

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Feng Shui Compass (Pro) by CCAppFeng Shui Compass (Pro)

Rated 3.18(11) — CCApp

Feng Shui is very popular in the Chinese community, whether businessman or building owners hope to apply Feng Shui theory in designing their office or home as well as to determine the location of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or bed. Although there...

My Heart Rate by CCAppMy Heart Rate

Rated 3.99(124) — CCApp

My Heart Rate app is designed with user interface similar to a real pulse oximeter, which let you monitor your heart rate anytime and anywhere, especially before and after exercise. If you enter your age in the setup page, percentage of the measured...

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Photo AFib Detector by CCAppPhoto AFib Detector

Rated 2.94(135) — CCApp

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib or AF) is one of most common heart rhythm disorders and increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, both leading causes of death. The Photo AFib Detector was designed for personal AFib detection and Heart Rate monitoring.It.

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三國演義 by CCApp三國演義

Rated 4.00(9) — CCApp

《三國演義》(明)羅貫中 ‧ 編輯《三國演義》是中國四大名著之一,亦是第一部長篇章回體歷史演義小說,描寫從東漢末年到西晉初年的歷史風雲故事,編者亦將三十六計融會其中,使全文既有情節,也有兵法韜略。

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智能掌相 by CCApp智能掌相

Rated 3.67(6) — CCApp


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智能風水羅盤 (專業版) by CCApp智能風水羅盤 (專業版)

Rated 3.42(77) — CCApp


智能风水罗盘 (基本版) by CCApp智能风水罗盘 (基本版)

Rated 4.08(61) — CCApp

智能风水罗盘「基本版」提供一般「家居」及「办公室」风水分析和布局建议,最适合家居宅主、租客及在办公室工作人士使用,其流年飞星布局则强调催财旺运,化病解凶之功能。 「基本版」其他功能包括:「七运」至「九运」、「三元九运」及「八宅法」的功能。基本原理:本软件是基于「三元九运」、「八宅法」和「九宫飞星」这三套相当有系统的理气风水原理而设计。根据电子罗盘或输入的大门方向,程序先使用「三元九运」确定这居室的整体吉凶性质如「旺财旺丁」、「损财伤丁」等等而提供风水指数。同时程序亦以「八宅法」找出居室内之吉凶位置如「财位

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生辰八字 by CCApp生辰八字

Rated 3.63(8) — CCApp

《八字 計算機》生辰八字是什麼?「生辰」是指出生日期和時間,包括年、月、日、時。若果年、月、日、時用「天干地支」表示,則有「四個天干」和「四個地支」,總共八個字表示年、月、日、時,故稱為「八字」。如李小龍出生於公歷「1940年11月27日8時15分」,其出生年、月、日、時用天干地支表達則為以下「八字」:年 月 日 時庚 丁 甲 戊辰 亥 戌 辰由於古時中國常以直行列表八字,故八字亦稱為「四柱」,簡單來說,以上例子的生辰八字是:...

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Feng Shui Compass (Lite) by CCAppFeng Shui Compass (Lite)

Rated 3.69(122) — CCApp

Feng Shui is very popular in the Chinese community, whether businessman or building owners hope to apply Feng Shui theory in designing their office or home as well as to determine the location of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or bed. Although there...

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Feng Shui Compass Pro by CCAppFeng Shui Compass Pro

Rated 5.00(1) — CCApp

Feng Shui is very popular in the Chinese community, whether businessman or building owners hope to apply Feng Shui theory in designing their office or home as well as to determine the location of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or bed. Although there...

My Heart Rate (Pro) by CCAppMy Heart Rate (Pro)

Rated 4.00(4) — CCApp

My Heart Rate app is designed to let you monitor your heart rate anytime and anywhere, especially before and after exercise. If you enter your age in the setup page, percentage of the measured heart rate based on your maximum heart rate will be displayed.

Photo AFib Detector (Pro) by CCAppPhoto AFib Detector (Pro)

Rated 4.14(7) — CCApp

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib or AF) is one of most common heart rhythm disorders and increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, both leading causes of death. The Photo AFib Detector was designed for personal AFib detection and Heart Rate monitoring.It.

六碼筆畫 by CCApp六碼筆畫

Rated 3.96(461) — CCApp

「六碼筆畫」是傳統「筆畫輸入法」的加強版,介面簡潔,支援繁簡體中文輸入,最適合中港台人士使用;它除了支援「全碼」筆畫輸入模式, 更提供「六碼」及「部件」輸入模式。最新版本更加強「單手操作」及英文鍵盤設計和輸入功能。(1)「全碼」輸入模式即是傳統「筆畫輸入」,只需熟悉漢字五種筆畫分類及筆順,就能輕鬆輸入漢字。(2)「六碼」輸入模式是傳統筆畫輸入法的簡易版,只須輸入漢字的頭三個筆畫和尾三個筆畫;以下是六碼筆畫輸入例子:...

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智能風水羅盤 (基本版) by CCApp智能風水羅盤 (基本版)

Rated 3.89(1,228) — CCApp


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智能风水罗盘 (专业版) by CCApp智能风水罗盘 (专业版)

Rated 4.00(5) — CCApp


水滸傳 by CCApp水滸傳

Rated 5.00(7) — CCApp

《水滸傳》  施耐庵(著) 羅貫中(整理)《水滸傳》是中國四大名著之一, 其內容講述北宋山東梁山泊的綠林好漢,由被迫落草,發展壯大,直至受到朝廷招安,東征西討的歷程。全書匯聚眾多說書人的敘事辯才,又融合了數代文人揮灑行文的雄奇匠心,才產生這家傳戶曉的名著。本書同時提供繁簡體版本

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紅樓夢 by CCApp紅樓夢

Rated 3.00(3) — CCApp


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