Carlos Rendon

Carlos Rendon published 2 applications on Google Play, 12 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.96!

Carmometer by Carlos RendonCarmometer

Rated 0.00(0) — Carlos Rendon

Connects to your car. Keeps track of your car's health. Provides trusted advice. Reminds you when it's time to take it in.Drive Confidently.

Free App
Locale Auto-Sync Plug-in by Carlos RendonLocale Auto-Sync Plug-in

Rated 3.92(12) — Carlos Rendon

Requires award-winning Locale App!For Android 2.0 or later!Stop wasting battery life and your data plan by disabling syncing information (background data) from the internet, like Email, Twitter, and Facebook when not needed. This plugin for the Locale...
