Care Tek, Inc. - Android Applications by Care Tek, Inc.
"Drip Alarm" is an application to set alarm for the end of the IV infusion.You can set the IV drop rate, drip set and drip capacity in order to set an alarm.Besides, if you work in the nursing-related jobs, you can set the corresponding alarms for the...
$3.68肥胖一直是現在各種文明病的來源,減重也是許多人想要做的事,為做好體重控 制,雅得麗生活診所推出『體重管理』App 協助使用者隨時隨地做好飲食控制, 以擁有健康的身體。此 APP,可隨時用手機拍照記錄每日的飲食內容,將有營養師幫您算熱量和營...
Free App員工可透過APP檢視自我體重、體脂、生理年齡 、四肢肌肉量等資訊,做自我健康管理。 Employees can view the self weight, body fat, physiological age, limbs, muscle mass and other information through APP, do self-health management.
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