Bruce Chong - Android Applications by Bruce Chong
Aesop's Fables is short and easy-understand story . It can help kids to learn the life knowledge from the story. Each story is less than 200 words. The story can help to sleep especially the kids. Read the story before the bed, they will calmly get to...
Free AppDo you always forget the path of the file on your phone or other device? This apps can help you find out the file using part of the file name.For instance, you can use "jpg" to find out all of the picture with the jpg format. It can tell you where it...
Free AppToo much pressure? Troubled by insomnia? Please use the most popular sleep aid app. Start sleeping now and enjoy full nights of sleep like you haven’t in a long time! Here’s how it works: Select sounds and melodies that you like. Lay back, listen...
Free AppThis is a game used for testing you color distinguish ability. Each color will have a level to judge if you are above the normal human color distinguish ability. This game is very easy , just pick up the different color block and finger on it. The right..
Free App《一千零一夜》流传至今,版本众多,故事大致相同,篇幅却长短不一,内容也多有出入。其中,由埃及政府于1835年在开罗发行的“布辽格本”,被公认为是《一千零一夜》最完善的版本。本书即以此本为蓝本,在最大程度上忠实于原文,精心翻译了最受人们欢迎的二十六个故事,这些故事大多还包含着若干个小故事。总的来说,故事繁多,情节曲折,线索分明,人物多样。褪去光怪陆离、云谲波诡的神话故事之后,我们完全可以体会到古代阿拉伯人民丰富的社会生活和美好的感情世界。...
Free App《三国演义》不仅是较早的一部历史小说,而且代表着古代历史小说的最高成就。小说采用浅近的文言,明快流畅,雅俗共赏;笔法富于变化,对比映衬,旁冗侧出,波澜曲折,摇曳多姿。又以宏伟的结构,把百年左右头绪纷繁、错综复杂的事件和众多的人物组织得完整严密,叙述得有条不紊、前后呼应,彼此关联,环环紧扣,层层推进。...
Free App中华成语故事大全集,成百上千的成语精彩故事以及每个成语的用法 Chinese idioms Roms, hundreds of wonderful stories and idioms of usage of each idiom
Free App史蒂夫·乔布斯是一位极具创造力的企业家,史蒂夫·乔布斯有如过山车般精彩的人生和犀利激越的性格,充满追求完美和誓不罢休的激情,史蒂夫·乔布斯创造出个人电脑、动画电影、音乐、手机、平板电脑以及数字出版等6大产业的颠覆性变革。史蒂夫·乔布斯的个性经常让周围的人愤怒和绝望,但其所创造出的产品也与这种个性息息相关,全然不可分割的,正如苹果的硬件和软件一样。两年多的时间,与史蒂夫·乔布斯40多次的面对面倾谈,以及与史蒂夫·乔布斯一百多个家庭成员、朋友、竞争对手、同事的不受限的采访,造就了这本独家传记。...
Free App《龟兔赛跑》《狼和小羊》《狼来了》《农夫和蛇》……这些脍炙人口的小故事,两千年来一直被公认为人类最珍贵的智能宝库。古希腊人伊索留下的这些精彩简洁的小故事,构思巧妙,平易近人,所蕴涵的道理既浅显,又发人深省,因而千百年来历传不衰,让人爱不释手。伊索被誉为“希腊寓言之父”,“西方寓言的开山鼻祖”。伊索寓言是世界上最古老、影响最大的寓言,由于形象生动、寓意深刻、富于哲理,在全世界流传两千五百余年而经久不衰。阅读伊索寓言使人趋向聪明、理智、豁达、沉稳。《伊索寓言》启迪着我们的心智,呵护着我们的心灵,陶冶着我们的情
Free AppEle inspirou criança sabedoria, pensando que a criança a desenvolver a imaginação.Se você é um bebê se recusa a dormir durante a noite e preocupação, contar histórias é para persuadir o bebê para dormir, inspiração criança imaginativa...
Free AppDo you have trouble going to sleep? Are you traveling on a plane and need a quick power nap? Does your newborn baby wake up in the middle of the night? Please use the most effective & highest quality sleep app. Start sleeping now and enjoy full nights...
Free App世界阿凡提笑话大全,记载了千千万万的阿凡提的智慧故事 World jokes Avanti, Avanti documented thousands of stories of wisdom
Free App中国神话故事包含很多古代人民的故事,启迪儿童智慧 Chinese mythology contains many stories of ancient people's wisdom enlighten children
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