
briconum published 2 applications on Google Play, 15 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.32!

Histoires courtes - IFRAF by briconumHistoires courtes - IFRAF

Rated 4.00(1) — briconum

L’esprit de la recherche se nourrit aussi bien aux sources du réel qu’aux labyrinthes de l’imaginaire. À travers de rapides monologues à haute voix, des scientifiques, toutes disciplines et toutes approches confondues, laissent entrevoir les...

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Short Stories by briconumShort Stories

Rated 4.64(14) — briconum

The spirit of research nourishes itself equally from material sources as by the labyrinths (or depths) of imagination. By way of brief, clear voiced monologs scientists of every discipline and mixed approach share glimpses of the forces that motivate...

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