Boris Spektor

Boris Spektor published 2 applications on Google Play, 136 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.09!

Watch List by Boris SpektorWatch List

Rated 3.93(41) — Boris Spektor

Ever started watching a TV series and stopped in the middle?Ever tried to return to it just to realize you have no idea where you left off?Ever tried to keep track of multiple shows?If the answer is yes (or you simply like TV) Then this app is for you!Kee

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Ze7en! (Seven) by Boris SpektorZe7en! (Seven)

Rated 4.25(95) — Boris Spektor

Ze7en! (Pronounced - seven) is a fantastic and challenging game of numbers, very similar to Fizz Buzz!It has simple and addictive controls which make you want to play on and on!Play against time and be careful to not make any mistakes!HOW TO PLAY?Press...

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