Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH - Android Applications by Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH
The 3D Joints Tool was developed for vets to use in their practices and in referral centers in order to support clients whose pets have been diagnosed with common joint diseases. The tool lets the user interact with anatomical structures in dogs, enabling
Free AppThe HR News app allows Boehringer Ingelheim employees working on Germany sites to receive Human Resources news in German and English language. All articles are classified into four categories: News, Work & Life, Background and Career. With the implemented
Free AppBisolvon Hoest Check - GRATISDoor simpelweg in je smartphone te hoesten, test de Hoest Check welke type hoest je hebt en geeft aan welk hoestproduct het best gebruikt kan worden voor je behandeling. Kijk ook op*Bisolvon bevat broomhexine..
Free AppAplicativo desenvolvido para avaliação de risco do paciente com DPOC. Através da avaliação combinada da função pulmonar, números de exacerbações e sintomas, o paciente é classificado de acordo com a gravidade da doença. Além disso, este...
Free AppVocê gosta de desafio? Adora uma corridinha no fim de semana? Pharmaton, o polivitamínico que te ajuda a encontrar o equilíbrio entre corpo e mente, traz agora um novo conceito de prova social que se adapta ao seu estilo de vida. Você poderá participar...
Free AppePatCare® is a unique interactive software tool, which enables physicians to transfer their individual patient cases (either with focus on diagnostic or on treatment) into a predefined and attractive format for presentation and storage. The handling...
Free AppExpressoBI es el boletín electrónico exclusivo para colaboradores de Boehringer Ingelheim mediante el cual, como parte de la Comunidad BI, te mantendrás al tanto de todo lo que sucede en nuestra empresa.Usa tu perfil y encuentra rápidamente la información
Free AppThis app allows the user to count and record resting respiratory rate for a number of different pets and then facilitates transfer of the information to the pets veterinarian. A user may also select to post the result on their facebook page or twitter...
Free AppImages of ILD is a novel and unique software tool for training professional skills in interpreting CT scans of Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) patients. Images of ILD enables you to examine real CT images of ILD patients and thereby train your ability...
Free AppIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive form of interstitial lung disease and the unique Velcro crackles commonly seen in patients with IPF are an indicator that further investigation is required. The IPF Sound Challenge allows...
Free AppÉ possível ter qualidade de vida convivendo com diabetes. Por isso o aplicativo Programa Bem Me Quero apresenta o "Passo a Passo", programa que incentiva diariamente pequenas mudanças de hábito para quem vive com diabetes. Além disso, o "Plano Alimentar..
Free AppBIconnect es una aplicación de mensajería de texto simple, rápida y segura disponible para teléfonos inteligentes de uso exclusiva para colaboradores de Boehringer Ingelheim México-ZADO.Es la plataforma ideal para compartir mensajes de texto y archivos...
Free AppPlay at the BVDZero Memory game. Keep your brain in shape! Find pairs of images under the following cards.
Free AppThe COPD Congress app allows users to explore COPD-related content from large respiratory congresses via webcasts and congress reports, gain knowledge and insight through eLearning tutorials and webinars developed with world-leading pulmonologists, and...
Free AppDeu Nó é um jogo, que desafia as pessoas a desatar os nós na região abdominal. Para fazer isso, basta memorizar a sequência de sons emitida e, em seguida, repeti-la tocando os nós que estão no abdómen.A dificuldade aumenta a cada nível. Mas...
Free GameEsta aplicación permite al usuario registrar los ataques de epilepsia de su mascota para uno o varios animales domésticos, así como programar la pauta de medicación indicada por el veterinario. Además facilita la transferencia del histórico de...
Free AppIn an emergency situation, would you know what to do? Effective first aid could save your pet's life.First Aid for Pets Australia is an educational tool that contains many helpful and potentially life-saving articles for quick reference in the event...
Free AppThis app allows the user to count and record resting respiratory rate for a number of different pets and then facilitates transfer of the information to the pets veterinarian. A user may also select to post the result on their facebook page or twitter.Vet
Free AppDie idiopathische Lungenfibrose (IPF) ist eine chronisch progrediente interstitielle Lungenerkrankung unbekannter Ursache. Das typische inspiratorische Knisterrasseln, das bei der Auskultation zu hören ist, ähnelt dem Geräusch eines sich öffnenden...
Free AppKardia es una herramienta para la educación médico-paciente. Cuenta con dos secciones: la primera, la anatomía, es una descripción general del aparato circulatorio, el corazón, los vasos sanguíneos y el endotelio. La segunda, la patología, ilustra...
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