BigBottleApps - Android Applications by BigBottleApps
What can you do in this app:-Calculations with comlex numbers-Converting from algebraic form to exponential form-Converting from exponential form algebraic to form
Free AppThis app can learn you to control your time correctly. It let you understand, what are you want from your life. It will help you to choose the right mate and achieve it.In this app you can plan your mates on long time(30 days) and on every day.It's first.
Free AppThis application is the best solution, if you need to store you links(recepies, news, posts, etc.). Now you can store all your links in one place!
Free AppSolution of two main types of the equations:1)ax+b = c(Ususal equations)2)ax^2+bx+c=d(Quadratic equations)It's the best application for Math at schoolHere you can see solution of equation and it's graph!
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