BESMART published 3 applications on Google Play, 9 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.33!


Rated 5.00(2) — BESMART

Através desse sistema as escolas poderão ter acesso aos indicadores pedagógicos cognitivos de forma individual, por turma, por faixa etária, por expectativas de aprendizagens. Esse aplicativo é utilizado juntamente com um livro digital contendo...

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Multiplication tables by BESMARTMultiplication tables

Rated 4.00(2) — BESMART

The student must complete the multiplication table of two (2) to nine (9). It will have 10 seconds for each account. If err should return to the beginning of the multiplication table he was doing. Great game to decorate the multiplication table. Important

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Golden Materials by BESMARTGolden Materials

Rated 4.00(5) — BESMART

Using small dice (UNIT), bar (TENS) and plaque (HUNDREDS) the child must form the result of the account shown.

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