Bert de Ruiter - Android Applications by Bert de Ruiter
Album Art Live Wallpaper gets the album art of music you have on your phone and shows it like a slideshow on your screen.Images will be blurred because of the quality limitations on the images stored in the mp3's.The blur radius can be changed to 0...
Free ThemeSwitch between your apps in a fast and intuative way.Get your app list by swiping in your screen from left (or right).Features: - Launchster will learn which apps you start the most and will prioritise them to be on top off the list. - swipe in from...
Free Theme-NOTE- The app is currently in beta and might not work on your phone at this moment, if a crash happens please press the report button so we can fix it.Now you can send farts to all your friends. Rip 1 will check your contact list for other users who...
Free App(IMPORTAT: You need to have tasker installed to use this plugin)Set your temperature directly from Tasker with this plugin.
Free App*NOTICE: Because of Pebble being bought out there will be no more updates for this app...Send anything you want from Tasker right to the Timeline of your Pebble.You can use Tasker variables or just static text.Usage:First start the app on your Pebble...
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