become, s.r.o. - Android Applications by become, s.r.o.
The game is a true copy of the board game Hopping Hat! and it celebrate the success many generations. The goal is to hit colorful hats in target, which have different point values. Game can be played as one player or multiplayer. The player can...
Free Game• Do you remember the details of a business trip?• How do you fill out a travel order or a business trip statement when you do not remember the details?• Do you struggle to get receipts at the end of the month? Do you have to think hard about when...
Free AppVodičký preukaz je aplikácia, ktorá ti umožňuje pripraviť sa na testy v autoškole pre skupiny A, B, C, D a T.Naučiť sa môžeš nie len pravidlá cestnej premávky pre osobný automobil, ale i motorku alebo nákladné auto. Po dosiahnutí vysokej...
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