atStage - Android Applications by atStage
Your Android device can be simple document scanner!! The App can scan documents with camera seen in work or life. e.g.) Newspapers and Magazines, Receipts, Instructions, Business cards, Notes, Coupons, Posters. This is 'AnywhereScanner'. After you take...
$2.26This application is used as an observation diary of flowers, a record of children's growth, a record of changing of the city scenery, building record of your house and also as a fixed-point observation on business.As you take pictures of changing flowers.
$1.69Idea Factory Free is an application that helps you in “collecting a large amount of ideas” to make use of your creativity, and “summarizing” those ideas for further development.It is very easy to use. After starting the application, you simply...
Free App“Map Notes” enable you to make your own original maps easily by putting hand-writing notes, images, and pins onto the Google Maps.The notes you have created are stored in to a list and you can access it off-line anytime even when the signal is bad...
$2.17***This is the free version***Let's make a nice photo diary you just take one photo a day!!Today, please record your pictures remained in the mind. into your calendar.Start the app and then you can record instantly with Camera .You can also add taken...
Free App"Pocket Memo Free" is a new type of memo pad, with a simple and ready-to-write memo function, and pockets to save and arrange your memos in a hierarchical way.One of Pocket Memo's greatest advantages is that the memos you make are displayed inside square.
Free App------------------------ PriCam Renewal Notice ---------------------Added the Original Sharing Function to PriCam!Let's share photos with people around the world.You may have a new Discovery from the worlds photo!?-----------------------------------------
Free App■「コンビニまっぷ」は、全国のコンビニエンスストアを地図上で探すことができる無料のアプリです。外出中に「おにぎりやドリンクを買いたくなった」「ATMでお金を引き出したくなった」あるいは、ドライブ中の休憩やトイレを借りたくなったときなどにお役立ていただけます。■店舗データの総数は約5万5000件(2015年8月時点)。大手のチェーンはもちろん、全国に点在する大半のコンビニを網羅していますが、地方のチェーンについてはカバーできていないところがあります。追加してもらいたいチェーンなどがありましたら、ご連絡頂けれ
Free App「携帯ショップまっぷ」は通信サービス主要キャリアのサポート店(以下携帯ショップ)を検索できるアプリです。携帯ショップの営業時間やバリアフリーや駐車場の有無、アクセスなどを確認できるのも便利!携帯電話の充電が無くなりそうな時、携帯電話の修理が必要になった時などにご活用頂けます。<検索できる携帯ショップ一覧>ドコモショップ(NTT...
Free AppYour Android device can be simple document scanner!! The App can scan documents with camera seen in work or life. e.g.) Newspapers and Magazines, Receipts, Instructions, Business cards, Notes, Coupons, Posters. This is 'AnywhereScanner'. After you take...
Free AppIdea Factory is an application that helps you in “collecting a large amount of ideas” to make use of your creativity, and “summarizing” those ideas for further development.It is very easy to use. After starting the application, you simply write...
$1.89Don't you have any experiences where you gave up making notes, because you didn't have a pen?For instance, the memos for important meetings, for the business trips, the shopping list for the day, the brilliant idea came to you on the couch, beautiful...
$2.25Let's make a nice photo diary you just take one photo a day!!Today, please record your pictures remained in the mind. into your calendar.Start the app and then you can record instantly with Camera .You can also add taken photos already to your calendar...
$1.50"Pocket Memo" is a new type of memo pad, with a simple and ready-to-write memo function, and pockets to save and arrange your memos in a hierarchical way.One of Pocket Memo's greatest advantages is that the memos you make are displayed inside square...
$2.25--------------- PriCam Renewal Notice ----------------Added the Original Sharing Function to PriCam!Let's share photos with people around the world.You may have a new Discovery from the worlds photo!?-------------------------------------------------------
Free App「ホテルまっぷ」は、日本国内のホテルを地図上で探すことができるアプリです。突然の出張やぶらりと出た旅先で、"その日に泊まれるホテルを探したい"ときなど、現在地周辺にある宿泊先探しに効果を発揮します。検索できるホテルは旅行総合サイト「楽天トラベル」と提携しているホテルや旅館約2万2000件。そのまま楽天トラベルWEBサイトからダイレクトに予約が出来ます。■...
Free App■ 概要病院検索アプリ「医者ここ」は、全国の病院を地図上で探すことができるAndroidスマートフォンアプリです。外出先で近くにある病院を探したり、診療科目から探す・病院名から探すなど検索機能を備えています。■...
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