
Assysto published 2 applications on Google Play, 9,430 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.18!

3D measurement app - Plumb-bob by Assysto3D measurement app - Plumb-bob

Rated 4.12(9,314) — Assysto

Need to check a vertical or horizontal alignment, to measure a distance, or an angle?And no tools on hand?Try this app. You will be surprised by its accuracy.This app displays a virtual frame on top of the camera image. This frame remains vertical regardl

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Plumb-bob + by AssystoPlumb-bob +

Rated 4.24(116) — Assysto

Check vertical and horizontal alignments. Measure distances, surfaces, volumes and angles. Take a picture, save it as as 3D scene in the library to work with it later. Export it as an image to share it with other people.Watch the video to learn in one...
