
ashutoshgarg0007 published 8 applications on Google Play, 50 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.03!

JMK Trading Co. by ashutoshgarg0007JMK Trading Co.

Rated 5.00(1) — ashutoshgarg0007

JMK Trading Co. is an 'Exclusive SunFlame Gallery'. We believe in giving best products at best price along with full satisfaction of customer. Thank you

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MySpot by ashutoshgarg0007MySpot

Rated 4.40(10) — ashutoshgarg0007

The app has been developed for entertainment and socializing your activities.You can spot your location with this app and share your activities with friends anywhere anytime.It also contains search place and navigation feature.Hope you would enjoy it.Than

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NetCheck by ashutoshgarg0007NetCheck

Rated 0.00(0) — ashutoshgarg0007

NetCheck provides you ability to check your Network Connection even when you are connected to a WiFi or any network and still cant access the Internet.

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TicTheToe by ashutoshgarg0007TicTheToe

Rated 4.90(10) — ashutoshgarg0007

I used to love this game since my childhood. So i thought to develop it for phone as well to keep all entertained.It has cool animations with pictures and sound that would make you more addictive. Hope you would enjoy it!

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MyShopCart by ashutoshgarg0007MyShopCart

Rated 3.00(5) — ashutoshgarg0007

The only app which contains the top Online shopping stores.It contains the link of websites so that consumer can compare the products available at each online famous shopping site.The Top 10 online shopping sites have been included in MyShopCart. Hope...

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MyToDoTask by ashutoshgarg0007MyToDoTask

Rated 5.00(2) — ashutoshgarg0007

The app has been developed to save the daily routine To Do tasks!!The important part of MyToDoTask is that you can save images along with text so as to keep the moment memorable along with share and set event feature or to keep save which task should...

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NGFCET_MakingEducationBetter by ashutoshgarg0007NGFCET_MakingEducationBetter

Rated 4.92(12) — ashutoshgarg0007

The app is all about NGF College Of Engineering and Technology.It contains info about the college for the people to get the details regarding institute.It also consist of ngf blogs to get the students upto date about the current happenings.Hope you would.

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Vote-Let'sChangeIndia by ashutoshgarg0007Vote-Let'sChangeIndia

Rated 5.00(10) — ashutoshgarg0007

The app has been developed to create awareness among people so that maximum people vote. It does not contain any private or protected data rather it just holds a link to website of election commission of India so that people can get the details regarding.

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