Arnaud Fleurentdidier Messaoudi

Arnaud Fleurentdidier Messaoudi published 3 applications on Google Play, 5 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.00!

Birth n name's day reminder by Arnaud Fleurentdidier MessaoudiBirth n name's day reminder

Rated 0.00(0) — Arnaud Fleurentdidier Messaoudi

It remind you the date of the name's days and birthdays of your contacts by comparing them to a huge database of several thousands of names. Then, you'll be able to send automatically a default message or a custom message by sending a sms or an e-mail...

Learn Katakana by Arnaud Fleurentdidier MessaoudiLearn Katakana

Rated 3.00(2) — Arnaud Fleurentdidier Messaoudi

This software is a quizz system which allows you to progressively learn katakana (Japanese characters). Each time you reach a new level, the difficulty is increased, there is more and more katakana to recognize with a limited time to answer...

Learn Hiragana by Arnaud Fleurentdidier MessaoudiLearn Hiragana

Rated 3.00(3) — Arnaud Fleurentdidier Messaoudi

This software is a quizz system which allows you to progressively learn hiragana (Japanese characters). Each time you reach a new level, the difficulty is increased, more and more hiragana to recognize and a limited time to answer...
