Arka Soft

Arka Soft published 3 applications on Google Play, 28 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.35!

Air Checklist by Arka SoftAir Checklist

Rated 3.50(2) — Arka Soft

Air Checklist is an application that brings together the flight manual information and checklists for Robin DR400 120 HP, the Piper PA28, the Cessna 172.Now you can create your own checklists and modify existing checks; all organized by aircraft type...

My Flightbook by Arka SoftMy Flightbook

Rated 0.00(0) — Arka Soft

This is a realy useful app to complete your flightlog.

AndroDot 2 by Arka SoftAndroDot 2

Rated 3.54(26) — Arka Soft

AndroDot is a simple interface that allows you to publish articles directly to your blog Dotclear 1, 2 + 2 Android from your terminal.* Enable XML-RPC in the preferences of Dotclear.* Feel free to suggest improvements / bug reports!* In progress: mode...

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