
APPzilon published 2 applications on Google Play, 28 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.98!

Cilet APPdi by APPzilonCilet APPdi

Rated 4.96(25) — APPzilon

Jetzt rasierst Du! Mit SHAMPOO AMK!Rasiere alle Hamburger, Pinneberger, 31iger, 62iger und 124iger mit Shampoo - gegen den Strich! Klaue immer alle Shampoos und Rasierer, um lange zu rasieren! Wer die meisten Punkte hat, rasiert mit Benzin wie ein Piskopa

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Colour Vs Text by APPzilonColour Vs Text

Rated 5.00(3) — APPzilon

Colour Vs Text trains your ability to process visual information quickly. Analyze whether the words match the colour they are written in and then swipe accordingly. But careful, if you get it wrong you will lose time! Good luck!Important:This game only...

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