Appin Design - Android Applications by Appin Design
"dib HQ" works with the "dib" application to give you a low cost system for collecting and sharing simple competitor results without the use of a PC or printer. You can read more about dib and dib HQ on the developer's website
Free AppoGo is a punching start interval timer for orienteering. It works like a set of traffic lights.Green: A runner may start when their course is showing a green “runner”.Red: As a competitor starts the starter presses the course’s start button and...
Free App"dib" turns your phone into an orienteering dibber. With dib control boxes are replaced by "NFC" tags costing around £0.40 (or "QR" codes - which are free). This represent a huge saving for small clubs. dib is a viable way of providing electronic timing..
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