AppDaddy Technologies

AppDaddy Technologies published 2 applications on Google Play, 826 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.05!

Compass NAV by AppDaddy TechnologiesCompass NAV

Rated 3.92(24) — AppDaddy Technologies

Compass NAV was created specifically for the troops, and was built using the same accuracy and dependability of it's sister app, "Tactical NAV". ❋ COMBAT TESTED. MILITARY GRADE. ❋ You may be a Soldier on active duty, out there putting your life on...

Tactical NAV by AppDaddy TechnologiesTactical NAV

Rated 4.18(802) — AppDaddy Technologies

Tactical NAV was created specifically for the military service member and was built from the ground up using real world feedback by troops serving in the field.This app is an indispensable tool. Map & plot navigational waypoints, share location and waypoi

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