
Angoher2 published 2 applications on Google Play, 11 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.50!

BuyList by Angoher2BuyList

Rated 0.00(0) — Angoher2

This APP was developed thinking of creating a Shopping List simple and intuitive.It consists of a DATABASE preloaded with over 100 items, which can be easily expandable by user or delete unwanted items.The structure of the DATABASE is divided into section

BuyListFree by Angoher2BuyListFree

Rated 5.00(11) — Angoher2

This APP was developed thinking of creating a Shopping List simple and intuitive.It consists of a DATABASE preloaded with over 100 items, which can be easily expandable by user or delete unwanted items.The structure of the DATABASE is divided into section

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