Anderson Gabriel

Anderson Gabriel published 2 applications on Google Play, 68 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.81!

Moving wall by Anderson GabrielMoving wall

Rated 4.88(17) — Anderson Gabriel

Comande um avião danificado e tente chegar ate a base sem bater em nada. Command a damaged plane and try to get to the base without hitting anything.

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Os 3 Desafios by Anderson GabrielOs 3 Desafios

Rated 4.73(51) — Anderson Gabriel

E um jogo de 3 cenários variados incluindo um cenário extra, com obstáculos que dificultam a passagem do personagem do jogo. Tente passar por eles e marcar o máximo de pontos possíveis. And a set of 3 different scenarios including an extra scene...

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