
Anaxonic published 2 applications on Google Play, 11 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.72!

AnaFLASH Privacy Flashlight by AnaxonicAnaFLASH Privacy Flashlight

Rated 4.44(9) — Anaxonic

AnaFLASH is an ad-free, tracking-free, data-free, free-free (did we mention FREE?) flashlight app that uses your phone's built-in camera flash. It requires ONLY the absolute minimum hardware permissions to access your flash. Please consider giving it...

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Gyro Snoop Countermeasure by AnaxonicGyro Snoop Countermeasure

Rated 3.00(2) — Anaxonic

Sound pressure has been shown to imprint a signal on gyroscopes, therefore the gyroscope can potentially be used by installed apps (and even websites) for eavesdropping on conversations. A crude countermeasure is provided which randomly activates the...

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