Alfonso Cejudo

Alfonso Cejudo published 6 applications on Google Play, 158 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.03!

Battery Compare by Alfonso CejudoBattery Compare

Rated 3.87(117) — Alfonso Cejudo

Ballin' Reviews:

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Instigator by Alfonso CejudoInstigator

Rated 3.00(2) — Alfonso Cejudo

Do you love sports but think that checking scores is boring? Don't you wish your daily sports headlines were delivered in the same manner as the obnoxious drunk guy sitting behind you and your loved ones at the game? Well get ready for 2 minutes in the...

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Ok Anything Free Voice Search by Alfonso CejudoOk Anything Free Voice Search

Rated 4.40(5) — Alfonso Cejudo

Tired of saying "Ok Google" to open voice search? Never even done a voice search because you're too embarrassed to say "Ok Google" in public? What if you were able to say "It's Hammer Time" instead? Wouldn't that just make you the cat's pajamas? Yes...

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Battery Compare Pro by Alfonso CejudoBattery Compare Pro

Rated 4.75(4) — Alfonso Cejudo

Ballin' Reviews:

Mecha Dragoon by Alfonso CejudoMecha Dragoon

Rated 3.15(27) — Alfonso Cejudo

In the future, the world is... futuristic? And, like, everyone has their own giant mecha for some reason. I don't know, man. It's a game, what do you want? This is an original massively multiplayer online game specifically designed for smartphones. Run...

Free Game
Ok Anything Voice Search by Alfonso CejudoOk Anything Voice Search

Rated 5.00(3) — Alfonso Cejudo

Tired of saying "Ok Google" to open voice search? Never even done a voice search because you're too embarrassed to say "Ok Google" in public? What if you were able to say "It's Hammer Time" instead? Wouldn't that just make you the cat's pajamas? Yes...
