Alex Mylnikov - Android Applications by Alex Mylnikov
MeetNow is a proximity based application. It enables users to find and meet interesting professional people around them. MeetNow helps to improve the business networking experience. It is easy to use and works in different environments such as events...
Free AppApplication shows user location globally all over the world in the most amount of countries with locating by Mobile Towers and Wi-Fi APs. It uses low amount of battery compare to GPS module.The most important future that application can locate position...
Free AppПриложение дает новостной срез российской интернет среды за последние 15 минут.Основная задача - дать пользователю не только текущий информационный...
Free AppApplication shows user location globally all over the world in the most amount of countries with locating by Mobile Towers and Wi-Fi APs. It uses low amount of battery compare to GPS module.The most important future that application can locate position...
Free AppApplication shows user location globally all over the world in the most amount of countries with locating by Mobile Towers and Wi-Fi APs. It uses low amount of battery compare to GPS module.The most important future that application can locate position...
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