Abdul Mannan - Android Applications by Abdul Mannan
APK Extractor is utility app to take backup of installed apps in your mobile. Backup in apk format will save in your external storage in "APKFILESBACKUP".
Free AppCompass is an android app to simulate compass features. Navigation will never be a problem now. Compass functionality in phones and tablets is enabled by something a bit more sophisticated.
Free AppFlashLight is a lightest app to turn your device into a bright FlashLight. Use fastest and bright torch light with a fancy material design interface.
Free AppQR Code Reader is a powerful source to scan your QR coded. Simply, open this QR app and camera will be visible into your app. Place camera to your desired code and result will be displayed on the bottomof your mobile screen.
Free AppBluetooth IOT makes it easy to control their DIY projects via mobile's bluetooth via mobile phone. For example, user can control RGB Led from app. App is having different buttons for several combinations of colors. Plus, user can also control his/her...
Free AppESP8266 IOT Control is best app to control your wifi boards using http calls.You can control your ESP8266 WiFi Module ( or NodeMCU ) by just entering your device IP addressand command to perform some action.
Free AppMQTT IOT Manager allows you to connect with your hardware supported mqtt device. You can manage your DIY projects based on mqtt. Hivemq default broker and ports are already added as default values.Enjoy!
Free AppAndroid Signature Pad is an Android library for drawing smooth signatures.It has Bitmap and SVG support.User can also store signature view to gallery.
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