林秀秀 LIN, SHIOU-SHIOU - Android Applications by 林秀秀 LIN, SHIOU-SHIOU
2009 年 海濤法師弘法講義 http://www.sutra.org.tw/library/master%20notes/page_01.htm目 錄 ‧ 一顆調柔的心 ‧ 人身猶如如意寶 ‧ 佛教利他思想 ‧ 佛教的財富觀‧ 念佛渡彼岸 ‧ 修行叮嚀語‧ 修行的基本‧...
Free AppThere is a saying which goes: "The toughest thing in the world is not a diamond, but a great vow ".How can a vow be harder to break than a diamond?In Buddhism, great vows hold more weight than anything else.There are many examples of great vows in Buddhis
Free AppAs the ancient saying goes: "There is no end to revenge".The reason for revenge is a lack of understanding about the rule of "cause and effect" and that these resentments are kept in mind. The result is that one will suffer throughout future lives. In...
Free AppIn Buddhism,"kindness and compassion" refers to showing love towards all sentient beings.Bringing happiness to others is called kindness, whilst empathizing with the suffering of others, showing sympathy and offering to help the afflicted is called compas
Free AppA person who gives generously,will have luck.A person who does good deeds will receive happiness.A person who lends a helping hand to the needy, benefits the most.Amituofo!
Free AppThe five commandments of Buddhism are: not to kill, not to steal, not to have immoral sexual relationships, not to lie and not to consume alcohol. "Lying" includes being dishonest about what you think or failing to tell the truth. Honest people can receiv
Free AppTeaching children how to choose is one aspect of their education. Although parentscan arrange things for their children and make the best decisions for them when they areyoung, children have to rely on themselves as they grow up. As a result, it is import
Free AppAccording to Buddha's teachings, wisdom is the most valuable form of wealth for human beings. The ability to feel shame, humbleness and satisfaction are all other forms of wealth. Many people define happiness in terms of material wealth. However, being...
Free App佛說三世因果經 爾時,阿難陀尊者,在靈山會上,一千二百五十人俱。阿難頂禮合掌,遶佛三匝,胡跪合掌。請問本師釋迦牟尼佛:南閻浮提,一切眾生,末法時至,多生不善,不敬三寶,不重父母,無有三綱,五倫雜亂。貧窮下賤,六根不足。終日殺生害命,富貴貧窮,亦不平等。是何果報?望...
Free App本書收錄意義深遠的寓言故事,用淺顯易懂的文字,搭配可愛精緻的插畫,增加小朋友閱讀時的趣味。這些故事雖然都很簡短,可是每一則故事都充滿智慧與哲理。閱讀這些寓言,可以啟迪智慧,教導兒童明辨是非善惡,養成勤奮、誠實、仁慈、見義勇為等等。同時,每篇故事後還附有寓言的解讀,小讀者可以更精確地掌握內容涵義,從而改變思維模式,讓小朋友的IQ不僅提高,EQ也跟著進步...
Free App2014年 海濤法師弘法講義 http://www.sutra.org.tw/library/master%20notes/page_01-2014.htm目 錄 《皈依。發心。求菩提》 《慈悲心》 《修行講義》 《慈與悲的修習》 《菩薩法門》 《祈願眾生皆安樂》 《經輪(旗)的功德利益》 《佛門修行功德隨行手冊》 《慈悲擁抱一切》 《塑造佛像的功德》
Free AppSome people say that making a choice is a form of art.Parents may talk to children about their aspirations and what they want to do,so as to find out their children's interests.This is a good topic of conversation, and will help children to plan their...
Free AppThere are popular sayings that go "The deities are watching what you are doing" and"There is a deity three feet above your head". In Buddhism,there is a verse that states,"Whether you are well-off or not is predestined according to the karma accrued...
Free App科技的日新月異,現在就讓我們的平板和手機,幫助我們智慧+1,把下面的書籍都裝進平板與手機,勤加閱讀,和大小朋友們一起分享。Android智慧手機或平板的朋友們,安裝後直接點選,即可線上閱讀。從此,只要有智慧型手機或平板的地方,就是波羅密書坊。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Free AppIn Buddhism, "not to attach oneself to something" means that we should not invest too much importance in worldly things, or pursue them with too much energy. In reality, most people in the world have strong attachments to fame, money, food, lust, and...
Free AppImpermanence is a truth revealed by the Buddha. An example he uses is the sprouting, growth, blossoming, fading and withering of grass and trees. Over the infancy, childhood, adulthood, old age and death of a human being, there aremoments of happiness...
Free AppAs parents are not able to protect their children for their whole life,they tend to have excessive expectations of their children and hope that they will work hard and study well.This could, in fact, become a burden for the children.It could make children
Free AppOur children should have some understanding of life and death. They should understand that life always comes with death, and that every beginning has an end. The meaning of life is not determined by its length, but by how one has lived their life. We...
Free App目 錄目犍連救母. ..... 3敬兄長陰間挨打.... 25閻王老子的三封信... 41目犍連救母目犍連尊者在出家以前,是一個遠近聞名的大孝子,對於父母以及所有長輩都十分尊重。每天早晚都要向父母問候,並且經常幫助母親操持家務。由於目犍連的母親有大手大腳的粗心習慣,做飯或吃飯時總會撒落很多食物在地上。目犍連總是顧及母親的自尊心,在母親離開後,才把這掉落的糧食收撿起來,用水沖洗後吃掉。...
Free App《中國高僧列傳》為 海濤法師 參考《高僧傳》所編著的白話文,精彩易讀。《高僧傳》為一部成書於南北朝 記錄中國東漢至至當時佛教僧人的史料,由南朝梁僧人慧皎(497年~554年)撰。十四卷,收錄於大正藏...
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