廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經 Portable Sutra

廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經 Portable Sutra Free Theme

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About 廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經 Portable Sutra

  如是我聞。一時佛在舍衛國祇陀林中給孤獨園精舍。與大比丘眾千二百五十人俱。爾時世尊於夜後分入無垢光三昧。文殊師利法王子於夜後分入遍照三昧。彌勒菩薩摩訶薩於夜後分入遍炬三昧。爾時尊者舍利弗。於夜後分明相出時。佛神力故從自房出詣文殊師利房。爾時尊者舍利弗。欲入文殊師利房時。遙見佛精舍邊有十千蓮花迴旋圍繞。聞大音樂歌頌之聲。彼諸蓮花出大光明。遍照祇洹及舍衛國。乃至三千大千...... Rushiwowen. Buddha in the Great Patriotic only temporary homes to Tuo forest lonely park Vihara. Great monks and the public one thousand two hundred and fifty people all. Er Shi Blessed One night after Paradise divided into light samadhi. Prince Manjushri law after the night shines divided into samadhi. Maitreya Buddha Mahasattvas minutes after into the night over the torch samadhi. Er Shi Venerable Sariputta. After a night of distinct phases. Therefore, since the divine Buddha from the room Yi Manjusri room. Er Shi Venerable Sariputta. For when the Manjusri room. Yaoxian Buddha Vihara while there are ten kilo lotus maneuver around. Great music heard the sound of praise. Bizhu lotus a big light. Bianzhao Zhihuanjishe Patriotic. Even three thousand Daqian ......

How to Download / Install

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Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: smallhubsgabrielle.portable_guang_bo_yan_jing, download 廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經 Portable Sutra.apk

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Version update 廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經 Portable Sutra was updated to version 2.0
More downloads  廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經 Portable Sutra reached 10 - 50 downloads

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