About SAMURAI Watch Face
In the pre-modern Japan, Chinese zodiac had been used as a name of time. Chinese zodiac is represented by the name of animals and so on. They are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and boar. Everyone is represented as single Kanji. The period of before and after midnight, a total of 2 hours, is called "time of rat". Every next 2 hours, it goes to the order of zodiac as "time of ox", "time of tiger", "time of rabbit" until the "time of boar" and then return back to "time of rat". Even if it was so old days, two hours into one time period is too roundabout, it was called, such as every 30 minutes, for example "one of dragon", "two of dragon", "three of dragon" and "four of dragon", I heard.
So, I suppose that if there was a smart watch in the SAMURAI era, the watch face would have been surely like this. NINJA should have one! Since the basic analog 12 hour watch face is used, current time, before 2 times and after 3 times of zodiac Kanji are indicated.
Wear cool SAMURAI watch on your wrist !
- Cool Kanji Chinese zodiac time
- Twelve ancient time periods in 24 hours
- Kanji Chinese zodiac letter changes along time passing
- Background color
- Chinese zodiac letter color
- Line color
- Date, month, battery indicator color
To install:
1. After installation, run "Resync app" on Android Wear App.
2. Long press the face of your android wear watch and choose "SamuraiWatchFace"
Compatible with Moto360, Sony SmartWatch3 and some round or square face android wear 5.0 watches
Android phone requires 4.3 or up