About Amsterdam Weather Widget
√Multiple languagesupport:
This HD weatherclock widget supports English,中文(简体),中文(繁體),français,Deutsche,italiano, 日语, 한국어,português, русский, Español, Català, hrvatska, čeština, danske,nederlandse, Ολλανδικά, magyar,Bahasa Indonesia, Norsk, Polskie, român, Српски, slovenský, turečtina, Ukranian,Tiếng Việt, Arabic, and Hebrew.
√Lightweight and battery-saving:
This transparent weather widget will notdrain the battery of your phone or occupy much of the internal storage.
If you have difficulty applying the widgetto your home screen, please watch the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5nXvM_6QR4.
If the clock in the widget stops working,please check whether you have turned on the service guard. What's more, appslike Task Killer, Service Manager, Battery Saver, Clean Master or Game Boostermay prevent the widget from working properly. Please add our app to the White/Ignore List to keep widgets in sync. In this method doesn't work, please emailus: support@amberweather.com