About analog clock live Pro
horloge analogique d'origine sous la forme d'applications, widgets et fonds d'écran en direct. le soutien de l'horloge format de l'heure 12/24 heures. Le mois et le jour de la semaine est affiché en conformité avec les paramètres du système. Utilisez la touche longue dans le menu de l'application. Réglages: * Afficher seconde main, horloge numérique, jour de la semaine, le mois et la date; * Choix de styles de montres: une couleur unie ou un dégradé; * Sélection de la couleur principale et auxiliaire; * Modification du texte du logo; * Vertical et l'alignement horizontal.
Voulez-vous d'avoir le meilleur widget horloge Prophète Muhammad? "Widgets d'horloge gratuites" sont en attente pour tous les musulmans dévoués. Si vous avez aimé "horloge Allah" et si Muhammad Horloge Analogique est quelque chose que vous avez toujours rêvé, beaux widgets horloge islamiques pour l'écran d'accueil sont un excellent choix pour vous! Combinaison de "widget horloge et alarme" vous fera vraiment heureux. Faites correspondre ce widget d'horloge islamique avec votre analogique islamique horloge live wallpaper et profiter de thème islamique sur votre appareil Android! Le widget meilleure horloge vous fera apprécier la religion musulmane encore plus! Si vous avez besoin réveil pour vous réveiller gratuitement, maintenant vous avez une chance de se lever chaque matin à de belles chansons musulmanes. Cette «application de l'horloge" a tout, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de télécharger islamique réveil et l'installer sur votre téléphone! Profitez de belles images islamiques que widgets d'horloge pour offre gratuite android! Muhammad widget horloge juste pour vous!
"Il s'agit d'un live wallpaper de l'horloge analogique.
Fonction de l'écran de configuration, vous pouvez personnaliser l'affichage.
Par défaut, ou l'utilisateur peut changer l'image que vous avez le fond
Changement de design du cadran
-Changement de la taille de l'horloge, la position d'affichage
Cette application n'est pas un widget.
A simple, but highly customizable digital clock widget with Sony Xperia™ look and feel.
- Choose between small (2x1), big (4x2), wide (4x1) and tall (2x2) resizable digital clock widgets with 8 possible fonts
- Adjust the time and date font size and color and select your preferred time and date format
- Option to show brief weather information and weather forecast on tap
- Option to show semi-transparent backplate with adjustable color
- Option to launch your alarm app, calendar app and your favourite weather app by tapping parts of the widget
- Option to add the widget to your lock screen (Android 4.2, 4.3 and 4,4 only*, supported on selected devices)
- Backup & restore settings
- Paid "Premium" upgrade that unlocks options for:
- Custom (user-selectable) font + 12 additional fonts
- Ability to show current time and weather in multiple locations
- Ability to show battery level info
- Adjustable transparency level for the backplate
- Removes advertisements
To add a clock widget:
Go to home screen -> tap and hold on an empty space -> select "Apps and widgets" -> (tap on "Widgets" at the top of the screen) -> find, then tap and hold "Analog Clock" widget -> drag the widget to a preferred position on the home screen.
To set the clock as a live wallpaper:
Go to home screen -> tap and hold on an empty space -> select "Set wallpaper" -> select "Live wallpapers" -> find and tap on "Analog Clock" -> (customize the clock by tapping "Settings") -> tap "Set wallpaper".
To customize a clock widget or live wallpaper clock:
Open the "Clock" app -> find the clock you want to customize -> Your changes will be automatically saved when You exit the app. original analog clock in the form of applications, widgets and live wallpapers. support the time format 12/24 hour clock. The month and day of the week is displayed in accordance with the system settings. Use the long touch in the application menu. Settings: * Show second hand, digital clock, day of week, month and date; * Choice of styles of watches: a solid color or gradient; * Selection of the main and auxiliary color; * Changing the text of the logo; * Vertical and horizontal alignment.
Do you want to have the best clock widget Prophet Muhammad? "Free Clock Widgets" are waiting for all the devoted Muslims. If you liked "Allah clock" and if Muhammad Analog Clock is something you've always wanted, beautiful Islamic clock widgets for the home screen are a great choice for you! Combination of "alarm clock widget" will make you truly happy. Match this Islamic clock widget with your analog clock live wallpaper Islamic and enjoy Islamic theme on your Android device! The best clock widget will make you appreciate the Muslim religion more! If you need alarm clock to wake you free, now you have a chance to get up every morning to beautiful Muslim songs. This "application of the clock" has everything, all you have to do is to download Islamic awakening and install it on your phone! Enjoy beautiful Islamic images clock widgets for android free offer! Muhammad widget clock just for you!
"This is a live wallpaper of the analog clock.
the configuration screen function, you can customize the display.
By default, or the user can change the image that you have the background
design change of the dial
-Change The size of the clock, the display position
This app is not a widget.
A simple, highly customizable purpose digital clock widget with Sony Xperia ™ look and feel.
- Choose entre small (2x1), big (4x2), wide (4x1) and tall (2x2) resizable widgets with digital clock 8 can fonts
- Adjust the time and date font size and color and select your preferred time and date formats
- Option to show detailed weather information and weather forecast on tap
- Option to show semitransparent backplate with adjustable color
- Option to launch your alarm app, calendar app and your favorite weather app by tapping parts of the widget
- Option to add the widget to your lock screen (Android 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 only *, supported on selected devices)
- Backup & restore settings
- Paid "Premium" upgrade That unlocks options for:
- Custom (user-selectable) make up 12 additional fonts
- Ability to show current time and weather in multiple locations
- Ability to show battery level info
- Adjustable transparency level for the backplate
- Removes advertisements
To add a clock widget:
Go to home screen -> Tap and hold on an empty space -> select "Apps and widgets" -> (tap on "Widgets" at the top of the screen) -> find, Then Tap and hold "Analog Clock" widget - > drag the widget to a preferred position on the home screen.
To set the clock as a live wallpaper:
Go to home screen -> Tap and hold on an empty space -> select "Set Wallpaper" -> select "Live Wallpapers" -> find and tap on "Analog Clock" -> (customize the clock by tapping "Settings") - > tap "Set wallpaper".
To customize a clock widget or live wallpaper clock:
Open the "Clock" app -> find the clock you want to customize -> Your currency will be automatically saved When You exit the app.