Voxo - Icon Pack for Android
Inspired by the guidelines provided by Google and implemented on a rounded square.
What do you get?
Icons rendered at 256x256 px, will support all HD devices
400 Icons right now
Material Designed Dashboard
Cloud Based Wallpapers
Updates weekly
Icon Masking
Voxo has less icons for now as it is in beta stage, please don't rate bad cuz of less icons or bad icon. You can ask for the change in the community.
How many launchers does this icon pack support?
Action, AdwEX, Adw, Atom, Apex, Aviate, Epic, GO, Inspire, Lucid, Next, KK, Nine, Nova, Smart, Solo, TSF, CM Theme Engine and even more!!
Beta Community Link : https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102578712528955629687
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